Timeline of Events

On December 14, 2010 many healthcare organizations and public policy groups in Canada mobilized to support the Canadian Medical Association's Healthcare Transformation initiative.

This page presents a timeline of events leading to the publication of  Voices Into Action: Report on The National Dialogue on Healthcare Transformation.

The Globe and Mail announces the CMA Initiative. Concurrently they link to their "Best in Series" profile of private healthcare.

Three Liberal MP's give speeches in 3 cities.

The Healthcare Transformations website, maintained by public relations firm Thornley Fallis, goes live.

@CMA_DOCS participates in the weekly twitter #hscmca chat along with MP Ujal Dosanjh.

Op-Ed by Brian Mulroney

Op-Ed by Preston Manning

Various think-tanks publish reports about the state of Canada's healthcare system.

The CMA hires Maclean's Magazine to host the first of six Town Halls.

@CMA_DOCS tweets an undated statement by Dr. Jeff Turnbull about the initiative.

January 24th: CPAC begins to televise advertisements of the first CMA/Maclean's Halifax panel discussion.

@CMA_DOCS tweets journalism by Halifax Panel Moderator Ken McQueen of Maclean's: Our Healthcare Delusion.

@CMA_DOCS tweets journalism published by CTV-BC reporting on the Maclean's story and invites readers to 'have their say'.